by Hawkins | Jul 27, 2014
This is the final session in the series. I know, you hear “systems” and want to cringe. There’s really no need for that. Let me show you the pieces and the simple, no heart-ache way to create and implement Hawkins | Jul 27, 2014
During our third webinar in the series, I’m going to share some great tools, apps too, that support and how to choose the tools that are a perfect fir for Hawkins | Jul 27, 2014
The series continues with session 2. During this session we’re going to talk about you. Yes YOU,and how you factor into how you get things done. I’ll show you how your personality impacts your productivity and how to have it be at the core of your time Hawkins | Jul 3, 2014
If you’ve been around for even just a short time, you know that I have a totally different approach when in come to time. I operate from that point in everything that I do. For years I have seen that personality plays a direct role in effective productivity. Hawkins | Mar 18, 2014 | General, Productivity
Yesterday I was focused on a couple of client projects, some content writing for the rest of the month, and a few webinars I added to the mix. That kind of a day calls for laser focus and staying on point. All day it seemed as though the phone was determined to deter...