Making Time

Time!  There never seems to be enough of it to get in all of the things we want or need to do. That’s the thought or conclusion on everyone’s mind. Well, here’s a news flash for you…YOU AREN’T GOING TO GET ANY MORE TIME! What you have is what you get.  That’s it; no...

Are You Always Late?

You might only be 5 minutes late, but late is late.  Period!  If you are among the punctually challenged, you’re not by yourself.  15-20% of people in the United States are challenged with getting from point A to point B on time and it affects all types of people. ...

Handle Your Business!

As women, we each wear quite a number of hats—mother, wife, caregiver to name a few.  More and more, women are adding the role of business owner, more specifically, entrepreneur, to their lives.  Over 10 million businesses are owned by women; 1.9 million of them are...

Systems Lead to Business Success

We’re approaching the time of year when people resolve to do various things: lose weight, quit smoking, get back to the gym and the list goes on.  Of all those things, typically business owners don’t think about getting their business in order, which is unfortunate...
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