by Hawkins | Sep 28, 2015
There’s a difference between managing time and wielding time™. The difference is so big that it means that you either struggle or you flow through your days. Wielding time™ is a holistic, personalized approach to getting things done. Something so...
by Hawkins | Jun 28, 2014 | General, Productivity
Do you have a to-do list? If so, is it an active, effective one? I’m not talking about a list that has all kinds of things piled on it, some things done, maybe crossed off; others just there. I don’t mean a list that things have been on for so long you might not even...
by Hawkins | Feb 24, 2013 | General, Goal Setting, goals
So, just yesterday you were creating your goals and mapping your way through the new territory of this year and now we’re headed toward the end of the first quarter. Time is moving faster than it ever did, which might make it seem a bit more challenging to keep up...
by Hawkins | Feb 20, 2011 | General, Habits, Productivity, Time Management, Time Management Methods, Workplace productivity
Many people experience the feeling of not having enough time to get everything done. There are step to take toward effectively managing time; finding the appropriate tool, setting up systems and using various techniques to get things done. One such technique is the...