by Hawkins | Sep 8, 2015 | General
I remember a conversation two friends had about me years ago that they shared with me. One of the things that was said during their conversation was that they had no idea how I managed to get everything done. At the time I was working 40-50 hours a week, going to...
by Hawkins | Jul 26, 2015
Being productive takes more than the right tools and supportive habits. This is one reason why my approach to helping people get things done is a holistic one. I look at things on all levels, one of them being physical. That level encompasses more than having your...
by Hawkins | Jun 25, 2015 | General
There is always plenty to do. Many people keep those things in their head instead of actually making a list. That’s where they make the first mistake. The place that things on your daily agenda reside shouldn’t be your head. You’ve got to get it in writing, so make...
by Hawkins | May 30, 2015 | General
Let me start by saying that I know you may not have a daily routine when it comes to getting things done. You probably have things that you do in the morning as you start your day, like making breakfast. If you have children you’re getting them ready and maybe off to...
by Hawkins | May 18, 2015 | Clutter, General
Included in the non-supportive habits that I encounter with clients, is the habit of dumping things onto to-do lists and calendars. What happens is things come to mind that have to be done or added to your calendar and you cram them in without even thinking about...