OnTime is a mobile productivity app from Ripple Mobile for your iPhone, BlackBerry and at the time of this post will soon be available  for Android phone. OnTime is more than just a mobile calendar, this app keeps track of your meetings, tasks, to-do-list – even local traffic patterns.  All to keep you more productive and always OnTime. Very Cool, huh?

So just how does it work? OnTime creates a mobile link to your Outlook, iCal, Google or other electronic calendar, acting as a companion to your existing calendar and all of your important information travels with you, but unlike any other mobile productivity app, OnTime is powered by your location.

The app leverages all the important appointment information you currently log on your existing calendar platform so there’s no need to learn a new calendar or import information to use the app. It complements your computer-based calendar to increase your mobile productivity. What OnTime does that’s different from other reminder services is it takes into account your current location, the location of your next appointment, and traffic patterns in order to provide you with a more accurate alert. It can essentially become your GPS device.

As it does all of this for you, OnTime will optimize your productivity with turn-by-turn directions to take you to your event or appointment, without you having to look them up, key them into a GPS or print them off.  The directions adjust based on your current location. So if you avoid a highway listed on the turn-by-turn directions to avoid traffic, OnTime adjusts and give you new directions.

Traffic jams are not an issue with OnTime.  It checks traffic databases to determine when you should leave, and if a traffic jam is reported to the database, it will add the appropriate amount of time to your trip before giving you an alert. If a traffic jam occurs while you are driving, then OnTime has the ability to let your appointment know that you are running late with a text, email or one-click phone call and you get to customize the ‘running late’ message every time or use a standard message of your choosing.

When you get to your destination, OnTime gives you the option to share your location to your social media accounts, although I wouldn’t recommend doing that.  Too many times people have been taken advantage of because strangers on one of their social media platforms discover where they are, or where they aren’t.  Thankfully, this particular feature is activated only if you choose it during the setup process.

If you find that getting to appointments, clients, and events on time is a challenge for you, check out this smart phone app to help you do so.


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