I put up a poll not long ago so that you could tell me what your biggest time management challenge is. Some said that they don’t have a tool to manage their time, others said that there’s too much to do and not enough time, and a whopping 60% said that they aren’t spending enough time on their priority tasks.
It would appear that most people are having trouble getting to the things that matter most. This is all a matter of prioritizing and knowing what’s really important and what’s not. My article, Getting to What Matters Most gives clear, concrete steps to eliminating the things that aren’t important from your task list so that you’re able to focus on what’s most important. If this is your biggest time management challenge, the exercise in this article is a good place to start. If you’re not a subscriber to my ezine, the article is available online at my website. Click here to read it.
If you haven’t taken the poll yet, take a minute to let me know what your biggest challenge is when it comes to managing your time. Take the poll and then leave a comment too.
Yes, with all the many hats most women are wearing there seem to not be enough hours in the day. Of course, the key is having the tools and knowing the priorities and a system for managing your time.
I’m glad to know that what you get from my ezine helps you to manage your time. My focus is always on giving valuable, useful information that people can add to their time management system.
By the time I recoup from the hectic work week, I continue to become further behind because I PROCRASTINATE and put everything off until the last minute. Then I am forced to be the multitask queen to get the priorities of the priority completed before I jump back on never ending roller coaster of the work week!!!!
Besides just being lazy and really not wanting to do any of it, is there hope for me?
Noli-vicious cycle, but there is hope. Starting with the cray work week…you may have a crazy environment, but you still have some control. Prioritize what comes to you and say “no” when something’s not going to fit. Keep the lines of communication open and take breaks during the day-especially to just B-R-E-A-T-H-E. You’ll be less worn out at the end of your work day.
On the homefront, set specific times to get particular things done. Focus on the higher priority items first and work on them until they are complete. If it’s a larger tasks, break it down into smaller pieces. Don’t give in to the overwhelm conversation. Self discipline is going to have to play a key role here-doing what you have to do, when you are supposed to do it, whether you want to do it or not. This will help you stop the multitasking (check out my reply to Angela’s post in the time management challenge poll).
Since your work week is hectic, Thursday during the day, check to see what’s up for Monday and the rest of the week ahead and prepare for it. On Sunday afternoon, take some time to pull together anything that you might need to take to work and get it in the car, make snacks to take for the week and take some time for yourself to just relax after you tend to the things on Sunday’s agenda.
It’s all about letting go of the old habits and getting into new ones.