TimeOut-WomansHandsNo matter where in the world you live, or at what time of year the summer happens in your hemisphere, it’s the opportunity to take time out.  Everyone looks forward to summer because it means goodbye to work and school, at least for a portion of the season.  It means putting your feet up and relaxing, days at the beach and making time for the things that you don’t make enough time to do during the rest of the year.

So many people only use the summer and vacation time to take a load off and for the rest of the year they go full speed ahead, all cylinders firing, not even making the time to take breaks during the day.  If you’re in the habit of stopping during the course of your work day to take a quick break,  you know that short period of time gives your mind and your body the break that they need and also allows you return to the task at hand with a clear and fresh mind, rejuvenated and ready to go.

Just like the quick 10-15 minute or lunch break will help to revive and rejuvenate you, so will time off from work.  If you’re not in the habit of taking time off, it’s time to start. Be in the habit of taking a day, two days or a week off at least a few times a year.  You don’t have to go anywhere, just catch some R&R and make the time to be good to yourself.  The habit will support you in being at your top productivity level and your mind and body will appreciate it too.  When I work with clients on planning their year’s activities, the first thing I have them determine is when they will take time off for themselves in addition to the existing holidays and vacations with family and those dates get plugged in first before any work related items hit their calendar.  If you don’t know when your next time out is, look at your calendar right now and determine when you’re going to make it happen.  It can be just a day off work to do something special that you want to do, or just to spend time home alone when no one else is there.  Trust me, it will work wonders for you!

When was the last time you a break from it all?  Before summer is over and you get back to your usual routine, schedule your days off for the rest of the year.  It will revitalize you and have you ready for a fresh start when it’s time to get back to work.  Taking breaks is a necessary part of life.  Time out isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity.


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