The dust from the holidays has started to settle and it’s time to get back on track.  If you’re still looking back at 2011, tie up the loose ends and let it go.  If there are things that you didn’t accomplish before it ended, bring those things into the new year, determine where they fit, how you’re going to handle them and move forward.  2012 is here and it packs a powerful punch.  It’s time out for all of the mediocrity and playing small.  There is absolutely no place for that any longer and you’ve got to be ready to take things on.   If you’re not ready for that punch coming your way, you’re in big trouble.

If you weren’t on point last year it’s likely that your business probably didn’t generate the amount of money you wanted it to.  Simply put, that didn’t happen because you didn’t set things up that way.  You had ideas or maybe even goals, but no plan to carry them out.  If this is what happened to you, it’s possible that:

  • Your office isn’t organized and you wasted time all year long looking for things or reinventing others because you couldn’t find them.
  • You don’t have systems in place and your habits don’t support you.
  •  There never seems to be enough time to get everything done.

It’s time to stop the madness. Pull out all of the stops and get it in gear.  Let go of the chaos and recommit yourself and set the stage for success.  You have goals that you want to accomplish inside of your business. You need to set the stage for success, which means having an organized space, calendar and tools to support all there is to do this year.

  • Get rid of the resolutions that you made and turn them into S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals.  Resolutions don’t have staying power; goals do.
  • Organize your office and create systems and processes that work for you and support you.  This streamlines things and keeps you from wasting time and losing money.
  • Create habits that support you and get rid of the ones that don’t
  • Get the help that you need and start delegating things that you don’t have to do so that you can spend time on your money generating activities.
  • Create your plan for the year.  Get in the habit of scheduling your success, making the commitment in advance, and being decisive.  Without a plan, things begin to come apart at the seams.  It’s not going to happen if you don’t know how you’re getting there and what you need to make it happen.

If you aren’t able to do this on your own, get an accountability partner or a coach to help you get yourself organized, create your plan and carry it out.
Like I said, 2012 packs a punch. If you’re not ready, now is the time!  Invest the time in making these things happen so that you’re set up for success along the 2012 road.  Set yourself up for great things, create your plan, implement it and watch it all happen.

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