Mercury Retro-Refocus Regroup RenewOn May 18th we entered Mercury retrograde and the energy will be present until June 11th and we’ll be in it’s shadow for a short time afterward. Mercury Retrograde occurs when the planet appears to be moving backwards, into its shadow, which causes communication, scheduling, transportation and even our judgment to become a bit cloudy or error prone.

You can use this retrograde to stay productive and continue moving forward. With things in the outer realm being challenged, it’s smart to plan for delays and errors. It’s also a good idea to double check due dates, meeting times and to make sure communications you’ve sent are received and clear. You may find that you have email issues during this time as well. It has been said that this is not a good time for planning new things, but rather a time to continue planning things that have already be started, or to revisit projects that aren’t yet complete. Be sure that you have your technology covered, meaning that your files, contacts, etc are backed up. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had clients and others tell me that they don’t have their files and other important information backed up. I’ve also witnessed people go through that painful process of losing all of the files on their laptop or all of their contacts and having to start from scratch. Definitely not somewhere you want to be

While things in the outer realm may be challenging during this time, this is a great time retreat within. To make the time to reflect for introspection and to work on ourselves. As you take that retreat, look to see where your habits have you hung up and what steps it will take for you release them. Don’t look at your habits as good or bad, just simply that they are either serving you or they’re not. What do you see hinders you on a daily basis when it comes to getting things off your to-do list? How can you shift things to create a habit that will support you. Engage someone else if you feel you need accountability in making that shift.

Use the energy that is present now while we’re in retrograde to refocus. Maybe you’re off track on a few things or feel as though you haven’t paid enough attention to something. Now is the time to get back on track. Regroup in your outer realm as well as the inner and allow things to be renewed so that you’re back on point and you can use this period to organize or reorganize your office, and restructure things by getting systems in place to shore up your foundation. This can be a very empowering time if you allow it to be. Refocus, regroup and renew to empower your productivity.


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