just posted the Neilsen stats on the the amount of time that people spend online at sites and applications such as FaceBook, Google and Yahoo!.  According to Nielsen online’s June report on Internet usage, people now spend more time, on average, on Facebook than on the other 9 top web brands. Click here to see the article and the stats.

People are spending a lot of time on FaceBook as well as other social networking sites and internet applications.  FaceBook was at the top of the list followed by Yahoo! and AOL.

Do you know how much time you spend online at social networking and other sites?  You’d probably be surprised at how much time you actually spend.  If you’re spending time during work hours, that’s time that you’re not working.  Something to think about.  Over the next few days, keep a log of how much time you’re spending online and include what you’re doing.  Are you just “hanging out” or are you doing something productive?  Not to say that there’s anything wrong with just “hanging out”, but the length of time that you might be spending online that may be contributing to a lack of productivity.

Once you keep your log for a few days, look at it to see how much time your’e spending online and, more importantly, look at what you’re doing while you’re there.  Ask youself what changes you need to make.  Come back and let us know what you find.

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