To-DoList-RedHaving a to-do list to help manage the many things on your agenda is a key factor in the game.  If you’re using one effectively on a regular basis, you’re someone who’s committed to productivity.  If you don’t have a to-do list, chances are that you are stuck in the overwhelm conversation from the amount of things you have to do and you may be forgetting important things.

So the question I have for you is, what are you doing? More importantly, who is it that you’re being when it comes to taking on daily tasks and reaching their associated goals? Taking things step by step is what gets you the results you’re looking for. But what people miss is taking a look at who it is they’re being in every moment to support the things that need to be done to get to Point B.

Let’s look at things from the practical side first. If you’re in the overwhelm conversation because there’s so much to do and you’re forgetting things, take a moment to think about what having and effectively using a to-do list will do for you. Some of the advantages are:

  • All of your tasks are in one place and prioritized
  • Being able to clearly see what needs to be done
  • Prioritizing keeping you on track
  • You are organized, and more efficient
  • Not being stressed by unimportant tasks
  • Your complete, prioritized to-do list drives your time management system

Without a solid to-do list you lack focus and you’re not as efficient or reliable to those around you.  If you have a to-do list, is it doing these things for you?  If not, chances are that it’s not up to date, contains old, unfinished items and you don’t update it on a regular basis as part of a time management system.

Now let’s look a bit deeper, beneath the surface. It’s important to have the practical systematic pieces in place to support you, but you also have to consider what’s going on at the core of the matter. This calls for looking at not what you’re doing, but at who it is you’re being. At times you get caught up in the to-dos and struggle to get things done because you haven’t considered who it is you need to be to take on the things on your agenda. It’s typical when you’re up to something much bigger and working on the things that stretch you. You’re reaching for something that’s outside of where you are now, but attempting to do so while being the same way that you’ve been to get to the point that you’re at right now.

As you look to the new things that are on your plate, take a step back and look at who it is you have to step into being to accomplish each one of them and make a list associated with each goal. Keep it handy right along with the goals you create to remind you each day of who you have to be so that you can accomplish the things that you set out to do. Look at the practical side of things and what has to be done to whip things into shape, setting up what you need to support you, but also take that deeper look within to help you extend your reach and have it exceed your grasp.


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