This week I’ve focused on resolutions and the process for planning for your new year.  As this year comes to a close, I encourage you to take a look back at what you’ve done.  What have you accomplished?  What happened to the things that you resolved to do at the end of last year?  Did they remain resolutions or did they get transformed into goals and get accomplished?

Be honest with yourself, but don’t beat yourself up either. Everyone wants to be better for the new year. That’s why everyone makes the resolutions for the gym, getting organized, quitting smoking, etc.  The truth of the matter is that so many people have false starts. They have lots of plans, things they want to do or get accomplished in the New Year, but they run out of steam before they get the ball rolling with any real momentum.

What have you done lately?  Did you make resolutions for 2009?  Did you taken action?  If not,  what stopped you? If you expect new results just because it’s a new year, you’re making a big mistake.  To get your desired result, you have to take your resolutions and turn them into solid goals, then develop a plan to carry them out along with the  systems, tools, motivation and support needed to accomplish them.

If you didn’t accomplish everything that you wanted to this year, ask your self why and make a change.  Focus on taking your resolutions to goals and into reality.

If you’re looking to break the habit of making resolutions and not following through, click here for details.

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