With the fast pace at which we all move and the multiple hats we all wear, it’s easy to have what seems like and endless number of things to do.  The demands on our time being what they are make it even more important to be organized and on top of your game.

Having a to-do list to help manage the many things on your agenda is a key factor in the game.  If you’re using one effectively on a regular basis, you’re someone who’s committed to productivity.  If you don’t have a to-do list, chances are that you are overwhelmed by the amount of things you have to do and may be forgetting important things.  If this is the case, consider what having and effectively using a to-do list will do for you:

  • All of your tasks are in one place and prioritized
  • You can clearly see what needs to be done
  • Prioritizing keeps you on track
  • You are organized, and more efficient
  • You’re not stressed by unimportant tasks
  • Your complete, prioritized to-do list drives your time management system

Without a solid to-do list you lack focus and you’re not as efficient or reliable to those around you.  If you have a to-do list, is it doing these things for you?  If not, chances are that it’ s not up to date, contains old, unfinished items and you don’t update it on a regular basis as part of a time management system.

If this is true and you’re ready to whip things into shape, start by getting the old items off of the list.  Apply one of the three D’s: get them done, delegate them or delete them altogether.  Add to your list all of the things that you have to do, then prioritize them.  I suggest that you also categorize them as well so that you can easily locate tasks and make updates to the list.  For example, some of the categories that I have are: personal, business development, products, health, etc.  Categorize your tasks in a way that works for you. If a task is going to take you longer than 15 minutes to do, create a block of time in your calendar.

Besides the key factors of containing all of your tasks and being prioritized, your to-do list has to be part of a time management system that contains a time management tool that fits your personality, an organized home or work space and established effective habits.  All the key elements of this system keep you from struggling and being busy with the unimportant, urgent things and take you to a place where you’re focused on what’s important and not urgent, which are the ideal tasks that you want to have on your list.  You’re organized, in control and on top of your game.

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