This is the time of year where most people look forward to and get a fresh start.  They start off with enthusiasm and great momentum and at some point, if all the pieces aren’t in place, the momentum slows, they lose focus and the things that they said they were up to start to become just talk.  The action leaves the mix and they either stumble or fumble their way through the rest of the year making poor attempts, or the pursuit stops altogether.

Now, if you’ve been around for a while or if you’ve been a client of mine, you’ve heard me talk about all of those pieces that have to come together to make it all work.  Part of that mix is accountability.  You can have all of the other pieces—the SMART goals, the plan to carry them out with the tasks in your calendar and all of the required resources, but if you don’t have someone to support your efforts, someone to hold you accountable, you’re missing a crucial part of the puzzle.

You see, it’s really easy to create the plan and all that goes with it, but it’s not a smart move to be the only one holding you accountable, especially if what you’re up to is something that has you stepping into a zone that you haven’t been in before—something that stretches you.  This, after all, is how it should be.  If your goals don’t have you stepping outside of your comfort zone, facing your fear about doing it and living life on the skinny branches, really, what’s the point?

Accountability is most often one of the missing pieces, if you’re going to accomplish what you say you want to accomplish, you have to first of all, take responsibility for what you’re up to and take responsibility for your actions.  It’s all on you.  No one else is responsible for your actions but you.  Secondly, when you add accountability to the mix it has to be someone that understands who you are, knows what you’re working to achieve and who will hold your feet to the fire or put their foot in your rear if need be.  This person actually takes on the responsibility of supporting you and making you answer for your actions, or lack thereof.  This trusted individual holds you accountable and you step up to the plate and take on a way or state of being accountable; being liable to be called on to render an account in answer for your actions.  That requires a mindset shift.  When you look at what it is that you have to do to get where you want to go, you have to stop and look at who it is that you have to be and one of those ways of being is accountable.  With that shift into that way of being, you can take the actions necessary to get you down that road to the summit.



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