There are a number of things that you can do right now in order to get control of your workload and start working smarter not harder.  Here are a few of things for starters:

Don’t over commit-Know what you are capable of handling. Before you commit to something, make sure you have the time to dedicate to it. Saying “no” never really hurt anyone

Prioritize your tasks– Knowing the importance of a task is important. Assign a level of priority to every task on your list, and then place it in your calendar accordingly. Not assigning a priority can cost you precious time or cause you to add extra hours at some point to get something done.

Know your prime time-We all have a period of time during the day where we are at our best and we each should know when that time is for us. Your prime time is key to getting things done and will greatly assist you in managing your work load and keeping extra hours off of your agenda.

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