As you start to plan for your new year, think about what you’ve accomplished this year and celebrate those accomplishments.  As you look forward to next year’s agenda, remember the things that you are letting go of.  What needs to be left behind?  Create a list over the course of a few days or until you feel it’s complete then acknowledge that those things are going out with the old year so that you can ring in the new.  Start to think about the things that you want to do during the course of the upcoming year.  Choose things that are fresh and new; that excite and inspire you.  Choose things that will force you to expand yourself and step into uncharted territory in both your personal and business life.  Once you have that list of fresh, new and inspiring things, plan your work, and then work your plan.

Once you work through these things, you’ll have a blank canvas and be ready to create what you want for your new year and step into it.  Create your list and then turn each item into SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and tangible), values-based goals with a specific plan.  You might even want to create a vision board with images and phrases of things that remind you of what you’re creating.  Seeing your vision board every day truly provides support and motivation for you, especially if you are a visual person.  Pick up your brush and put it to your canvas.

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