After you create and prioritize your to-do list, it’s time to utilize it.
since your list only has the important things on it, and it’s prioritized, you can easily move through your list based upon the priority of each item on it.

Start with your top priority items (A) and work your way through the tasks on your list in order of priority.  Two key things to remember are to place something into your calendar if it takes longer than 15 minutes to complete, and don’t have more than 2 top priorities each day.  Cross off items as you complete them.

If something happens during the course of a day and some things don’t get done, move them to an appropriate day for completion.  It’s important to spend time each day planning your to-do items for the next day.  Just a quick 5-10 minutes at the end of each day will set you up for the following day so that you’re ready to roll.

Whether you’re using paper lists or electronic, the habits are the same.  If your time management personality is a fit for electronic tools, you can use a to-do list associated with the electronic time management tool you use or there are online tools that will support you as well.  Three of the most popular right now are:

  • Wunderlist-available on almost every platform—windows, iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac
  • Tooledo-pretty much does what a SmartPhone would already do, but it’s good for sharing information if the usual computer sync isn’t right for your situation.  It can be used with BlackBerry, Mac OS, or Android
  • 2Do-runs on both iPhone and iPad

If you’re looking for an electronic to-do list, try one of these or the host of others that are available online.

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