Welcome to stop #2 on the Productivity for Profits Summer Blog Tour and Giveaway!

I am excited to be one of 7 productivity experts taking part in this one-of-a-kind event. This post is about goal setting as it relates to productivity.

Most solopreneurs start their year having set the goals they want to accomplish and get out of the gate with a fast start. But as the year goes on they start to lose momentum.  Somewhere after the point of the rubber hitting the road in pursuit of their S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time bound) goals they realize that they aren’t spending time doing the things that need to be done to accomplish those goals.  Most are puzzled and wonder why they just can’t seem to get those things done.

What about you?  Have you been there before and you’re wondering why?  Well, let me tell you why.  The reason that you lose that momentum and come to a point where you aren’t doing anything to move toward your goals is because there is no cohesion between your goals and your daily business activity.  You may have created your goals and have a complete plan with priorities and dates, but what you’ve created becomes stagnant pretty quickly unless you take some important additional steps.

Once you have set your goals, look at the “by when” date you’ve set to accomplish each and determine the amount of time it will take to get there so that you know when you have to begin working toward each goal.  In addition to assigning that “by when” date, you should have assigned a priority to each goal.  If you haven’t done that, take a step back and set the priorities.  This step is crucial.  If you don’t know your priorities you really don’t have clear direction.

Next you have to determine the smaller steps that will take you from Point A to Point B.  Think of each goal as a meal and each of the smaller steps as a bite of that meal.  So, let’s say that one of your goals is to revamp your website.  That’s the meal on the table before you and the smaller bite size pieces are things like hiring someone to write copy and a graphic designer, approving the copy and the graphics, and passing everything on to your web master.  There are other steps that may need to happen to reach that particular goal, but you get the idea, right?

The individual tasks that you create should already have priorities assigned to them because you prioritized your goals when you created them.  When you prioritize your goals during the creation process, it allows you to schedule your priorities, not prioritize your schedule. Two very distinct things.  The latter can have you going in circles and wasting time during your regular planning.

As you create the smaller bite size pieces, list them on your master task list along with their priority and time frame during which they should be accomplished to keep things flowing and have you reach your goals on time.   Once you’ve done this for each of your goals, you have a solid list of tasks that will take you from Point A to Point B.

During your regular planning sessions, these smaller pieces filter down to your daily to-do list or calendar.  Where you place them depends upon how long each individual task takes.  If the task it will take longer than 15 minutes to complete, it should go on your calendar in a slot with enough time to complete it.  This keeps you from over booking your day and gives you enough time to get the important things done.

The date and priority of each goal will determine at which point in time the smaller tasks hit your to-do list or your calendar and you of course, would place the tasks according to the order in which they should take place, since some tasks are dependent upon others.  You can use your master list to keep track of the status of each task.  Updating it regularly will enable you to quickly see exactly where you are with each of your goals.

This is the easy part, trust me.  The challenge is in creating the new habit of incorporating this process into your regular planning.  It’s the only thing that will ensure that the tasks directly related to your goals make it to your to-do list or calendar.  Making this a habit is what will create cohesiveness between your goals and your daily business activity.  This step is the missing piece of the puzzle and is key in having your daily activities include the tasks that have to be completed to accomplish your goals.

The final key to having continuity between your goals and what you do from day-to-day is you.  You can follow this process, but nothing will change unless you get into action.  Because this is a challenging process, I want to give you something to support you for the first 30 days to help you develop this new habit.  As a part of the Productivity for Profits Summer Blog Tour, I’m gifting readers with my Set & Get Your Goals package that you can use to:

  • Track your goals
  • Create and monitor the individual tasks it will take to reach them
  • Get step by step guidance from a series of short audios

You’ll also get a few extra tips.  Simply enter your information below now and the templates will come directly to your inbox along with the first audio.  You’ll receive the additional audios over three consecutive weeks.

Don’t forget to share this post with the help of the social media buttons at the top of this post and leave a comment below.  Continue to enjoy the tour!

The Productivity for Profits Summer Blog Tour is now over. If you’re  seeing this post after August 5th, you missed a great blog tour and some great giveaways. The good news is that the tour will happen again next year.

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