Productivity Tools That Fit

Part of how you deal with time is to make sure that the tools you use, and ultimately the system you set up to support you, are a fit for you personally. The tools have to fit your personality, or as I say they match your Productivity Persona™. Quite often, people...

Accountability Paves The Way

It’s really easy to create the plan and all that goes with it, but it’s not a smart move to be the only one holding you accountable, especially if what you’re up to is something that has you stepping into a zone that you haven’t been in before—something that stretches...

The 80/20 Rule and Productivity

I’m sure that you have heard of Pareto’s Principle. The principle states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. In business, the general rule is that 80% of your sales come for 20% of your clients. When it comes to the things on...
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