Tools Not Toys For Getting Things Done

Given that productivity is personal, your tools have to be a personal fit too. They’ve got to fit like that favorite pair of stilettos. What usually happens is that people choose the latest and greatest thing to hit the market and often because of its bells a...

How Do I Keep Track of My Time?

When people are looking to find out what things are wasting their time, I tell them to start by keeping track of their time. I usually give them this tool. Along with it they get a really simple process to follow each day. The biggest challenge when it comes to...

Discover Your Biggest Time Wasters

Wasting your time can be pretty frustrating. You really want to get to the things one your list but may not be able to figure out just what’s going on. But before you can get to a space where you’re knocking things off your to-do list left and right, you’ve got...

End Inbox Insanity With SaneBox

If you’re like most, email might be a bit out of control with hundreds or maybe even thousands of emails, most of them unopened. You have lists you’ve subscribed to sending email and probably some unsolicited items too. They’re coming in so fast you just...

Tools Not Toys: Evernote

Tools are part of the productivity puzzle. You know how when you were a kid and you would be putting together a puzzle and you always ended up with extra pieces that didn’t seem to fit or you couldn’t figure out where they went? That was frustrating, and putting...

Productivity Tools That Fit

Part of how you deal with time is to make sure that the tools you use, and ultimately the system you set up to support you, are a fit for you personally. The tools have to fit your personality, or as I say they match your Productivity Persona™. Quite often, people...
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