Tools Not Toys: Neat Desk

If you find it hard to keep up with the paper overload even with a streamlined filing system, you might want to consider filing your paper docs electronically.  Of course it’s easy to scan and and then save them, but if you really want to use a tool that will...

Time to Get Back to Business

Can you believe that summer is over?  The kids are going back to school.  The flip flops and sunglasses are off and it’s time to get back to business, refocusing on your goals and desires.  Fall is the time to bring in your harvest. If you have children who are going...

Third Eye Group Productivity Chat

[View the story “Third Eye Group Productivity Chat” on Storify]Third Eye Group Productivity ChatAugust 19th #productivitychat Hosted by @ThirdEyeGrpStorified by Sheila Hawkins · Mon, Aug 20 2012 14:59:19Welcome to #productivitychat! Let’s get...

There’s an App For That: Organisemee

During one of my internet searches I discovered Organisemee, a cloud based task management application.  Organisemee hit the scene in 2010 with the purpose of helping people manage tasks and to support on the “how to” get them done efficiently. You enter...
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