Tame That Tiger!

When it comes to getting and staying organized one challenge is the #1 culprit, paper, also known as, the paper tiger.  This is true for both home and work environments.  If you’re challenged with clutter, look at the clutter to see what percentage of your clutter is...

From To-Do to Done

With a ton of things on your plate as solopreneur in addition to all of the other hats that you wear in life, it’s important to know how to get from “to-do” to “done”.  There are of course tools that can support you, but you also have to...

There’s an App For That: Evernote

Earlier this year a friend mentioned to me that she and her partners were using Evernote to support them and said that it was working quite well for them.  In case you haven’t heard, Evernote is a nifty app that allows you to capture anything, access it from...

Plan Your Work & Work Your Plan

First things first, you must have a clear vision before you can do anything else.  Without it, you’re spinning your wheels.  That vision gives you clarity.  Your vision starts everything rolling in the direction of what you want to create and everything else is born...

Vision–The First Step in Planning

Do you think about vision before you start to plan?  Before you do anything, you have to know where you want to go and have a very clear vision of that.  Now, when I say “vision”, of course, I mean picture, which translates into following a specific process to...
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