“No Tolerance” Policy For Stress

I’m continuing to read through Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff and chapter 19, entitled “Lower Your Tolerance to Stress” makes the observation that our society tends to look up to people who are under a great deal of stress; those who can handle a...

Get Your Quiet Time

Yesterday I was given the gift of a book (Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff) from Tara Michener, Founder of the Black Women In Business Brainstorm.  Great gift! The first chapter that I chose to read was “Set Aside Quite Time Every Day”.  In that chapter,...

All Systems Go!

Once you have your list of what systems are working and which aren’t working, you can refine those that can work with a few changes and create the new systems that are missing. Typically, a business needs systems for customer sales, whether you sell products or...
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