2016: The First 100 Days of Your Year
The way you start each day sets the tone for it, and likewise, the way you start your year sets the tone for the months ahead. What you have to determine is how you want your year to be and set the stage accordingly. How do you want your year to start? What are you...
How To Get More Time In Your Day
All of us have wished we had more time at some point or another, but the reality is that it’s not going to happen. No matter how much you want, wish for or dream of having it, you’re going to have the same amount of time allotted to each day. The magic number is...
Dissect, Clean Up and Fine-Tune Your To-Do List
The list of things to do is so long that it can be difficult getting to the things that really matter. You know what it’s like to have a long list and have more things that need to be added before you can cross off the tasks you already have. Things get jammed up...
Being In The Flow
I remember a conversation two friends had about me years ago that they shared with me. One of the things that was said during their conversation was that they had no idea how I managed to get everything done. At the time I was working 40-50 hours a week, going to...
How To Fuel Your Productivity
What you eat impacts the results you get with your to-do list. Being productive takes more than the right tools and supportive habits. This is one reason why my approach to helping people get things done is a holistic one. I look at things on all levels, one of them...
How Are You Wasting Your Time?
I'm sure there are a few things you can think of right now that are wasting your time every day that you would love to be rid of. Things that have been keeping you from getting it done for quite some time now. Just how are you wasting your time? I'm going to share a...