Where’s Your Focus?

Tasks, technology and perceived lack of time are big contributors to lack of focus and some might even view it as a rare thing or something that’s hard to get, which is understandable considering the number of things begging for your attention these days.  With all of...

Tips For The New Year

The dust from the holidays has started to settle and it’s time to get back on track.  If you’re still looking back at 2011, tie up the loose ends and let it go.  If there are things that you didn’t accomplish before it ended, bring those things into the new year,...

Jump Start Your New Year

The start of the new year is most certainly a time to start fresh, to create new things, gain focus, shift gears and move forward.  You may or may not have started the new year thinking about what things are going to look like or what you want to do for the next 365...

Maximum Productivity: Interruptions

We all are interrupted throughout the course of our workday, by people and by things that may not necessarily always be in our control.  No matter what the interruption is or how many of them we encounter during our day, if you want to have a very productive day, you...
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