Productivity Chat

[View the story “Productivity Chat” on Storify]Productivity ChatNovember 11, 2012Storified by Sheila Hawkins · Mon, Nov 12 2012 07:20:53It’s time to start the chat…join me & get your time management questions answered. Pick up tips...

Tools Not Toys: Nozbe

Nozbe is a tool that helps busy professionals and teams organize time and projects.  It’s inspired by David Allen’s GTD (Getting Things Done ®) methodology and designed in such a way that everyone can get organized quickly.  With their desktop and mobile...

Making It Flow

The current times that we are in have individuals experiencing heavier work loads and added responsibility and more and more entrepreneurs are being created. It’s more important now than it has been in the past to manage ourselves effectively.  Given that scenario, we...

You Are Your Habits

“Excellence is not an act, but a habit.  The things you do the most are the things that you do the best.” ~Marva Collins We all are in the habit of doing certain things, whether they are supportive or non supportive habits.  Your habits are a prime factor in what...
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