Powerfully Closing Out Your Year

Here we are with the end of the year at hand. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was planning the year, and now it’s up. There are a lot of people caught up in the hectic energy of the holiday season, and it’s really easy to get caught up in. When...

Your Mid-Year Report Card

It’s time to talk about your mid-year report card. You might not want to approach the topic at all because you know that you’re nowhere near where you want to be by this point in the year, but it’s necessary. You can’t get where you want to go without looking at...

5 Habits For High Productivity

Being The Time Wielder, I’m always looking at how people do things and I’ve seen what the most productive people are in the habit of doing. I’m going to share 5 of those things with you here in this post. First and foremost, productive people are early risers. These...

Think “Win/Win”

Think Win/Win is habit #4 of Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. With an attitude like this, everybody wins. Look at what’s before you and see mutually beneficially solutions to satisfy yourself and others. Operating from this perspective is...

Make Monday Productive: Shift Your Routine

Here’s yet another way to make your Monday productive. Shift from the routine stuff. Take a look at what you usually do during the course of the week. As you think about that, and start a list making note of the things that you usually get distracted by. What...
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