Goals Check In-Where Are You At?

So, just yesterday you were creating your goals and mapping your way through the new territory of this year and now we’re headed toward the end of the first quarter. Time is moving faster than it ever did, which might make it seem a bit more challenging to keep up...

Why Your Goals Are Going to Fail

This is the usual scenario…you set your intentions, you take off and you’re sprinting as fast as you can toward that goal. You’re pushing forward, taking long strides and push past the things that come up.  You’re completely focused on where you’re going. ...

You Are Your Habits

“Excellence is not an act, but a habit.  The things you do the most are the things that you do the best.” ~Marva Collins We all are in the habit of doing certain things, whether they are supportive or non supportive habits.  Your habits are a prime factor in what...

Racing to Beat The Clock

Most people hustle every day trying to beat the clock, barely getting things done.  This hustle is absolute madness and a vicious cycle to be caught up in.  Although the desire to stop that madness is there, the truth is that once you’re caught up in it, it’s hard to...
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