by Hawkins | Jul 20, 2017 | Systems, Tools
Given that productivity is personal, your tools have to be a personal fit too. They’ve got to fit like that favorite pair of stilettos. What usually happens is that people choose the latest and greatest thing to hit the market and often because of its bells a...
by Hawkins | Jul 17, 2017
If you’re one of those people who lets the word “system” freak you out and shut things down, just don’t. Systems don’t have to be complicated or cumbersome. Let me break that big, intimidating word down for you into little pieces...
by Hawkins | Nov 12, 2016
You’ve struggled to find the perfect tool that works. During my Productivity Is Personal Webinar Series I showed you how to choose one that’s a perfect fit for you. Now I’m showing you how to max out your personal productivity tool by engaging...
by Hawkins | Nov 12, 2016
I know…you hear the word “system” and you start to cringe. Well, you can stop cringing. You probably have that reaction because of what you think systems are, have to be or that they’re difficult to create. It’s not true! Let me...
by Hawkins | Oct 20, 2016 | General, Time Management
Time is our most precious resource and honestly, you cannot afford to waste it. You aren’t going to get any more time during the course of each day, so it’s up to you to maximize what you have and manage yourself well around it. I’m sure there are a...