by Hawkins | Jul 20, 2017 | Systems, Tools
Given that productivity is personal, your tools have to be a personal fit too. They’ve got to fit like that favorite pair of stilettos. What usually happens is that people choose the latest and greatest thing to hit the market and often because of its bells a...
by Hawkins | Nov 12, 2016
You’ve struggled to find the perfect tool that works. During my Productivity Is Personal Webinar Series I showed you how to choose one that’s a perfect fit for you. Now I’m showing you how to max out your personal productivity tool by engaging...
by Hawkins | Nov 12, 2016
This is Day 3 of my Productivity Is Personal Webinar Series and we’re talking about your productivity tools. What you use, why it may not be working and how to choose something that will. We’ll also talk about how to allow them to serve you and how...
by Hawkins | Sep 21, 2014 | General, Systems
One reason most solopreneurs start their own business is because they want freedom and flexibility. They want to be able to run the show and at the same time be able to take time off when they choose for fun and family. This sounds ideal and it can be, but one big...
by Hawkins | Aug 23, 2014 | General, Productivity, Tools
Part of how you deal with time is to make sure that the tools you use, and ultimately the system you set up to support you, are a fit for you personally. The tools have to fit your personality, or as I say they match your Productivity Persona™. Quite often, people...