Chatwing-SeamlessA lively chatroom tool can help you communicate with large groups of people. If it’s not lively, it will never catch the attention of people, thus lessening sales output. This is one of the major concepts of the Chatwing chat box—appearance. By using the widget, you’ll figure out how important customization is.

Chat Wing chatrooms are easily customizable, so you can have unique versions anytime you want. You can create any chatroom by combining colors, sizes, and font styles. There are also some background themes that you can use. If you don’t have time to spare, just select any of these background themes and you’re good to go.

Choosing images for background themes is also possible. You can put any image that you want – you can even use gifs for your background image to make it more eye-catching. However, you can only upload image links since the direct file upload system is not yet implemented.

Social networking is also an essential part of the chat widget. Currently, you can use Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Tumblr, Instagram and VK as login methods. Your visitors can also use these login methods, and you’re free to activate or deactivate any method. Recently, the Chatwing Team added LinkedIn login.

One of the advantages of Chat Wing is the unlimited chatroom creation. You can make as many widgets as you want. This is useful if you’re maintaining a large network of websites and blogs, since you can do cross-linking of the widgets.

This ever-improving web chat widget has just recently included another feature in its arsenal – Private Messaging. This nifty function allows you to chat with anyone inside the chatroom in private. All you need to do is press the Message Balloon icon right beside the chatter’s username. This function is developed to answer for the user’s needs to relay sensitive information to its recipient while still able to chat with everyone inside the chatroom.

It’s advisable to spend few minutes in every chatroom that you create. Remember that every chatroom is only limited by your imagination. There are no mistakes, since you can preview any changes that you make. Use Chatwing app today to see its sheer advantage.


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