Systems Lead to Business Success

We’re approaching the time of year when people resolve to do various things: lose weight, quit smoking, get back to the gym and the list goes on.  Of all those things, typically business owners don’t think about getting their business in order, which is unfortunate...

What’s On Tap For Next Year?

This is the time of the year we start to look at what we want to do before the year is out and to begin thinking about all of the things that we want to do next year.  The challenge is actually getting those things done.  Where people make the mistake is not turning...

When You Fail to Plan

You’ve heard it said before that “If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.” It might be a popular old saying but there’s nothing but truth in it.  When you don’t map out a plan, you can’t expect to do anything but fall short of the mark, no matter how hard to try...

Tools Not Toys: LastPass

Earlier this week I was having a conversation with a friend of mine about technology, how much we depend on it and the number of different tools we use online that we need passwords for.  There’s email, social media sites, your website and blog, and let’s...
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